Bogwing (3)Full unit name: Bogwing (Creature)
Last updated: 23.08.2022 19:23:48
Basic info
First appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Native to: Dagobah
The bogwing was a flying reptavian native to Dagobah. It was very territorial and used its talons to pick up victims. It could carry up to nine times its own weight. During the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, bogwings were seen in the valleys of Belsavis. Bogwings were released by Gungans to signal half-time at Gulliball games. There were two races of bogwings: the greater bogwing and the lesser bogwing. They both fed on small creatures dwelling the canopy, but the greater bogwing fed in the upper levels, while the lesser bogwing fed on the lower levels where it avoided larger predators such as the jubba bird.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: Bogwing (Creature) Last updated: 23.08.2022 19:23:48